When EF Talks

Jeff Davis Was Trying To Go To Texas


Jeff Davis, he was trying to go to Texas.
Thought that he could find some Rebels there.
Robert Lee already had surrendered.
Loss lay heavy in the Southern air.
He tried to…

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Remembering Ed Upton, And How Far We’ve Come

This evening the North Texas Conference of the UMC will ordain an openly gay man who has been faithfully serving the church of my confirmation: Lovers Lane UMC.

And this has me thinking about Ed Upton.

When I first came…

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Seeking Still


All my life I’ve searched for inner peace
To make the voices cease
A sweet release
That leads me to a calm

And now and then I find a pathway there
Some moment without care
A jewel rare…

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“Incompatible” Is Gone

And now, we exhale.
At least, I do.

Now, except for a few more tiny “jots,” the harm is fully gone.

The Original Sin of the United Methodist Discipline regarding human sexuality, the word “Incompatible,” is gone.
Everywhere from our…

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It’s Time To Finish the Journey

I am still holding my breath.

It’s probably my age.
It’s definitely my PTSD.

What is happening at General Conference is truly headspinning and filled with such joy for our FUTURE.
But there is one final sin of the…

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General Conference 2024 Daily Updates

I’m going to update this blog post each day during the 2024 General Conference, as a way of keeping folks informed, and offering my own view as to what’s happening.

Some quick background, before we get started…
Feel free to…

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An Honest Accounting of “Missing” African Delegates

There are as many as 100 International Delegates not at United Methodist General Conference this year, many of whom are from Africa.

This has caused many questions. Allegations have been made that General Conference failed to communicate with them quickly…

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Table Rules (“Crowded Table,” Highwomen Cover)

General Conference starts today, and I am thinking about this song and what might happen these next few weeks.

I don’t think it’s an accident that I was introduced to this song by clergywomen colleagues.
We were all sitting around…

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